Построение образовательного процесса в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС

Боженкова Н.В., Стукалина М.А. Открытый урок по теме «Spring holidays» для обучающихся 5–6 классов

Оригинaл материала размещен в выпуске № 03 (05) https://f.almanah.su/05.pdf

Цели урока:
·          введение и тренировка новой лексики по теме урока.
·          тренировка навыков работы в группах.
·          формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции.
Задачи урока:
·          Обучающие: применение полученных знаний на практике, оперирование имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации.
·          Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу, взаимопомощи, воспитание позитивного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.
·          Развивающие: развитие умения работать в индивидуально, в парах, в коллективе, развитие познавательного интереса к культуре другой страны, закрепление умения наблюдать, сравнивать, развитие творческих способностей.
Тип урока: применение знаний на практике, поздравление мам с праздником.
Формы работы на уроке:
·          индивидуальная работа;
·          работа в парах;
·          групповая работа.
·          компьютер (с колонками);
·          интерактивная доска;
·          мультимедийный проектор;
·          презентация «Spring Holidays»;
·          заготовки цветов.
Ход урока.







№ слайда, функции интерактивной доски




Организационный момент.

Приветствие учителя:

-   Hello, boys and girls.
-   I’m glad to see you.
-   Sit down, please.

Приветствие учеников:

Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning, our teacher
We are glad to see you.

Слайд № 1 «Spring»

2 мин.

I`m glad to see you too. Let`s start our lesson!
Look at the screen, let`s read the poem and guess what we are going to talk about today.


Речевая разминка.
Фонетическая зарядка
So many flowers are blooming.
Petite little squirrels come out to play.
Really big bears awake from their slumbers.
Imaginative children enjoy a walk with their friends.
No tree is left standing without any leaves. So
Go ahead, jump for joy because spring is here.
– Right you are! Today we are going to speak not just about spring, but about four main spring holidays. Tell me please, what spring holidays do you know? you can see some pictures at the screen that will help you.
Дети повторяют за учителем, отрабатываю новые слова и звуки. Читают самостоятельно.
It is spring! We are going to talk about spring!

Слайд № 2

« Spring »

by Katlyn Guenther

Слайд № 3 « Spring »

4 мин.


Введение и тренировка лексики.

– Look at the pictures. There are a lot of Spring holidays. What are they?
– There are some missing letters in the words. Fill in the gaps and then read and translate the words:
- The next task is to read the words in alphabetical order.
-   Thank you. The next task is to match the English words with the Russian equivalents
-   Chainword.
-   Can you guess what sentence I have here

1)       На слайде поочередно появляются Весенние праздники, учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем, переводят
2)       May Day, Woman's Day, Easter, April Fools
The first holiday is May Day!
The second holiday is Woman`s Day!
The third holiday is Easter!
The fourth holiday is April Fool's Day!
3)       Учащиеся вставляют пропущенные буквы в словах
Easter, eggs, tulips, fool, victory
Дети расставляют слова в алфавитном порядке
Ребята соотносят слова

Слайд № 5

«Spring Holidays»

8 мин.



– And now I want you to relax
Игра “Be attentive”
When I raise right hand you shout Happy Woman's Day, left hand – Happy May Day, two hands - Easter
Учащиеся выполняют физические упражнения.
Когда учитель поднимает правую руку, ученики должны крикнуть- Happy Woman's Day, когда учитель поднимает левую руку- Happy May Day, обе руки- Easter)

Слайд № 6


2 мин.


Активизация навыков работы в группе
How clever you are! now let`s divide you into for groups, and each group will get a holiday. Now one person from each group should come to the table and choose a flower, so you will choose a holiday. Here we have Lily-of-the-valley, Daisy, Snow-drop and Tulip.
Great we have the first group with Woman`s day, the second group – Fool`s day, the third group- Easter, the fourth group – May day. Let`s start our games. First of all we should find out what you know about your holidays. I`ll give a card with facts to every group, your task is to find true and false facts and the tell us. You have 3 minutes.

That was very interesting. Now let`s have some competitions. Our first holiday is Woman`s day, so there is a task from the first group – make a poem from the parts. you have only the first and the last lines to help you.
I think we all should say “thank you” to our mothers for their love and care.
Woman`s day:
1-       Woman`s day is a special day for all girls and women.
2-       Men and boys can celebrate it too.
3-       It`s celebrated on the 8`th of March.
4-       Men and boys celebrate this holiday on the 9`th of March.
5-       Men and boys usually give flowers and chocolate to girls and women.
6-       Men and boys give special greeting cards to girls and women.
7-       Boys and men usually help women on the 8`th of March, they cook and clean.
April Fool`s day:
1-       April Fool`s Day is celebrated on the 1`st of May.
2-       April Fool`s Day is celebrated on the 1`st of April.
3-       On the 1`st of April people play practical jokes.
4-       On the 1`st of April people give each other sweets and flowers.
5-       On the 1`st of April people wish each other happy New Year.
6-       Pupils never study on the 1`st of April, because it is the national holiday.
7-       There a lot of laugh and smiles on the 1`st of April.
1-       It is also called as the Resurrection Sunday or Pascha.
2-       Easter is celebrated on the 5-th of March.
3-       Easter has no special date, it`s date changes every year.
4-       Eggs and hares are symbols of Easter.
5-       Easter is a religious holiday.
6-       People give each other pancakes.
7-       Parents usually give their children chocolate eggs.
May Day:
1-       May Day is celebrated on the 1`st of May.
2-       It is the main spring holiday.
3-       It is very old Celtic holiday.
4-       On the 1`st of May people give each other greeting cards “valentines”.
5-       Men give flowers and chocolate to women.
6-       May Day is also International Worker`s Day.
People don`t work and children don`t study on the 1`st of May.
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.

Слайд № 7 « Holidays»

10 мин.


Активизация навыков Говорения.

Our next holiday is All Fool's Day – and we will play “crocodile”. The leading group would choose a person from other groups and tell them a name of any animal. The pupil should show that animal to his group. The group that will guess the animal faster is the winner
Oh, how funny it is! And now we come to Easter. Do you know famous English tradition – egg-searching. Parents hide eggs in a big field and children should find as many eggs as they can to get chocolate eggs. Now we will make the same. You have a minute to find as many eggs in this room as you can. The group that will find most eggs will get a chocolate prize.
Игра "Крокодил"
Учащиеся угадывают животных
Ученики ищут вырезанные яйца и складывают в свою корзину

Слайд № 8 «Crocodile »

Слайд № 9 «Easter »

5 мин.


Реализация творческого проекта «Письмо Санте».

Our last holiday is May Day, and that is a task for your creativity. We will make beautiful flowers. You have all you need to make different flowers, so let`s do it.
You`ve made such beautiful flowers, they are amazing. And the best is that you can give them to your mothers! How do you like them?
Our last gift for you is a song! Let`s sing it all together. You can see the words of this song at the screen
Учащиеся делают цветочки
"Do you know?" {Starkov A.P.,
Dixon R.R., Oslrovsky B.S. English VI класс):
Do you know? In the merry month of May
Do you know? All the violets are gay.
Do you know? They all dance,
and sing, and say:
"Winter days are far away, do you know?"
Do you know?
We invite spring:
"Welcome, welcome, merry May"
Do you know? All the little birds are gay.
Do you know? They all dance,
and sing, and say:
"Winter days are far away."
And winter days, and winter days are far away.
And winter days, and winter days are far away.
And we shall go together with spring.
And the stars in the sky will be seen.
Due to spring we again want to sing,
do you know?
Do you know? In the merry month of May.
Do you know? All the children are so gay.
Do you know? They all play

Слайд № 10 «May Day»

Слайд №11 « Do you know? »


6 мин.


Итог урока.
– So, it’s time to finish our lesson
. You have learnt some interesting facts Spring Holidays
Did you enjoy our lesson?
You get only good marks today
– Thank you for your work! Our lesson is over. Good luck!
Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение об уроке.
– Yes, we liked it!
– It was fantastic!
– I’ll never forget it!

Слайд №11 « Spring holidays »

3 мин.

Список литературы:
1.       Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.Баранова К.М "Rainbow English" 6 (part 1).. Издательство: Дрофа, 2015
2.       И. Адрианова, Н. Туманова “Learn and Celebrate. Holidays and Festivals in Great Britain and the United States”, Новосибирск, “ИНФОЛИО - пресс”, 2007

3.       Spoken English, Ю. Голицынский, М., 1997

4.       Материалы интернета

2018-03-27 16:03 2018